LeaderSource - Books


Dive deep into biblical study, theology, and Christian leader development in this collection Dr. Malcolm Webber’s books.

The Glorious Bride of Christ: An Exposition of Ephesians

Discover the breathtaking vision of God’s eternal purpose for the universe and the Church’s role in it!

Malcolm Webber

God Is Sovereign: Transformational Theology 3

Learn what it means to fully embrace both God's sovereignty and man's responsibility!

Malcolm Webber

What God Is Likes: Designs for Ages 8-12

Age-appropriate, holistic designs based on the foundation of Malcolm Webber's teaching on What God Is Like.

Malcolm Webber

What God Is Like: Designs for Ages 4-7

Age-appropriate, holistic designs based on the foundation of Malcolm Webber's teaching on What God Is Like.

Malcolm Webber

What God Is Like: Transformational Designs

A companion book of practical designs for life transformation!

Malcolm Webber

God Is Triune: Transformational Theology 2

Explore the life-changing doctrine of the Trinity, the very center of everything in the Christian life and church life!

Malcolm Webber

What God is Like: Transformational Theology 1

The whole of the Christian life comes out of a living, inward union with its Source: Jesus Christ Himself.

Malcolm Webber

To Enjoy Him Forever

The whole of the Christian life comes out of a living, inward union with its Source: Jesus Christ Himself.

Malcolm Webber

Transformational Teaching: The Art of Teaching by the Spirit

A deep dive into the nature of the teaching ministry.

Malcolm Webber

A Portrait of a Healthy Church: An Exposition of 1 Thessalonians

This exposition studies 1 Thessalonians, verse by verse, through the lens of the Healthy Church Model, in order to reveal what a healthy church is and how it is built.

Malcolm Webber

Glimpses of Church Life: An Exposition of Philemon

This book unfolds the profound, practical teaching of Philemon as a clear precedent for all believers everywhere in the Roman world, and for every follower of Christ since.

Malcolm Webber

SBL 1 ‒ Leadership

We know leadership exists and we know it is important. We know good leadership when we see it and we know when it is lacking. But what is leadership?

Malcolm Webber

SBL 2 ‒ Healthy Leaders

You can become a great leader, a healthy leader!

Malcolm Webber

SBL 3 ‒ Leading

In this book, we examine the practices of effective leaders.

Malcolm Webber

SBL 4 ‒ Building Leaders

Are you building leaders the way Jesus and Paul did?

Malcolm Webber

SBL 5 ‒ Leaders and Managers

A healthy organization needs both leaders and managers!

Malcolm Webber

SBL 6 ‒ Abusive Leadership

In this book, we reveal the very heart of what constitutes both abusive and servant leadership.

Malcolm Webber

SBL 7 ‒ Understanding Change

Leading change is one of the most difficult and most important leadership responsibilities.

Malcolm Webber

SBL 8 ‒ Building Teams

God's design is for teams. This book is about how to build them.

Malcolm Webber

SBL 10 ‒ Women and Leadership

This book examines what the Bible says about the role of women in Christian ministry and leadership.

Malcolm Webber

SBL 11 ‒ Healthy Followers

To be effective themselves, leaders must have effective followers! This book examines the often-neglected subject of healthy followers.

Malcolm Webber

SBL 12 ‒ Listening

In this book, we explore how to be an effective listener, and therefore a more effective leader.

Malcolm Webber

The Blood of God

Prior to salvation, we were held captive by Satan. Now, by the saving grace of Christ’s shed blood, we are delivered from that captivity and saved from the wrath of God!

Malcolm Webber

Foundations – First Things for Followers of Jesus

Develop a solid biblical foundation for your faith!

Malcolm Webber


This book presents a simple model that will help you recognize and fulfill God’s purpose.

Malcolm Webber

The Christian and the Law

Systematic study of the law may seem to be dry and academic, but in reality, it has profound practical consequences.

Malcolm Webber

An Introduction to the Older Testament

When we understand the purpose and intent behind the laws of the Old Covenant, we more clearly see God’s love and divine purposes fulfilled in the New Testament.

Malcolm Webber

Church Planting in the Book of Acts

To effectively impact the world with the Gospel, we need healthy churches and church planters.

Malcolm Webber


Jesus died to set us free from Satan’s power. Let’s live in the glorious liberty He purchased for us!

Malcolm Webber

Design Games

Who said designing for effective leader development couldn’t be fun?

Malcolm Webber

Encouragement to Suffering Saints: A Brief Exposition of 1 Peter

In God’s eyes, trials are evidence of God's grace and opportunities for growth in holiness.

Malcolm Webber

Healing in the Old Testament ‒ Natural and Supernatural

A balanced, biblical viewpoint on supernatural and natural healing!

Malcolm Webber

In Him Was Life

Our eternal God made us to enjoy eternal fellowship with Him. Out of this divine fellowship flows all other communion in the Body of Christ.

Malcolm Webber

The Apostolic Epistles #1: A Brief Exposition of 1 Timothy

Paul’s timeless message to Timothy to live and walk in truth and hold fast to God’s Word is just as vital to the body of Christ today as it was to the church in Ephesus.

Malcolm Webber

The Apostolic Epistles #3: A Brief Exposition of 2 Timothy

Take up the torch and run the race set before you!

Malcolm Webber

The Day of the Lord: Brief Expositions of Zephaniah and Obadiah

In this examination of the books of Zephaniah and Obadiah, Dr. Webber explores the exhortation of God as spoken through His prophets to His people and all the nations of the world.

Malcolm Webber

The Doctrine of the Atonement According to the Apostolic Fathers

All mankind has fallen short of the glory of God, and is in need of the atonement offered and accomplished through the physical death of Jesus.

Malcolm Webber

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit of 1 Corinthians 12

Dr. Webber opens up the subject of the gifts of the Holy Spirit with clear examples and teaching that enable the reader to better understand the supernatural.

Malcolm Webber

The Preeminence and All-Sufficiency of Jesus Christ: A Brief Exposition of Colossians

Dr. Webber gets to the heart of Paul’s intent in writing the book of Colossians – addressing the globalization of religion that was present in the ancient Church and is still present today.

Malcolm Webber

The Transforming Work of the Holy Spirit in the Christian’s Life

What are the works of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and how are we to respond to them?

Malcolm Webber

The Ultimate Treasure ‒ Book 1

A practical tool for the holy endeavor of raising children up in the Lord.

Kathleen Hershberger

Things To Come

A biblical understanding of the book of Revelation and what will transpire in the last days.

Malcolm Webber

True Giving: A Brief Exposition of Philippians

What is the source and power of true divine joy?

Malcolm Webber

What Does the Bible Say?

Discover and apply the purpose and principles of correct interpretation of God’s Word!

Malcolm Webber


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