The Blood of God
Prior to salvation, we were held captive by Satan. Now, by the saving grace of Christ’s shed blood, we are delivered from that captivity and saved from the wrath of God!
Malcolm Webber

Before Christ’s sacrifice, we were alienated from God, morally defiled, and corrupt. Humankind was helpless without His precious blood, sentenced to eternal punishment. As guilty ones, we deserved damnation! Even so, our merciful God did not give us what we deserve. Though He set the righteous requirements, He also fulfilled them for those who could not.
In The Blood of God, Dr. Webber demonstrates the necessity for the precious blood of God, as well as its provision, sufficiency, efficacy, and healing power. He lays a thorough foundation of our sinfulness, our deserved damnation, God’s just and holy punishment, and His remarkable grace. He clears up common misconceptions in the Church regarding the Atonement, providing a rigorously biblical perspective on the power of Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross.
The Atonement redeemed us from the authority and power of the enemy, glorifying God’s justice, holiness, love, mercy, grace, and wisdom in the process. Such a redemption could only have been accomplished by Christ. His blood is sufficient to pay for our sins – nothing can be added to it!