A Learning Design for Influencing People
Do you have issues with positively influencing people? This holistic growth plan can help!
A Learning Design for Thinking Creatively
Do you struggle to think creatively?
A Learning Design for Being Willing to Take Risks
Do you have issues with taking risks? This holistic growth plan can help!
A Learning Design for Being Slow to Anger
Do you struggle to overcome anger?
A Learning Design for Resilience
Healthy leaders must be resilient!
A Learning Design for Overcoming Drunkenness
Do you have issues with drunkenness? This holistic growth plan can help!
A Learning Design for Overcoming Lust and Pornography
Our holistic growth plan for overcoming lust can help you to be a healthy leader.
A Learning Design for Overcoming Greed
If you find yourself having difficulty with greed, this growth plan will help.
A Learning Design for Stewarding Finances Well
Healthy leaders must steward their resources well!
A Learning Design for Recognizing Others' Accomplishments
Do you struggle to recognize others for their accomplishments?
A Learning Design for Not Blaming Others
Do you have issues with blaming others? This holistic growth plan can help!
A Learning Design for Vision for the Nations
Our holistic growth plan for increasing limited vision can help you to be a healthy leader.
A Learning Design for Seeking God's Approval
If you seek the approval of people over the approval of God, this growth plan will help.
A Learning Design for Loving to Learn and Grow
Healthy leaders love to learn and grow!
A Learning Design for Seeking Relationships with Mature Leaders
Do you struggle to seek out relationships with mature leaders?
A Learning Design for Taking Initiative
Do you have issues with taking initiative? This holistic growth plan can help!
A Learning Design for Avoiding Using Others for Your Own Ambition
Our holistic growth plan for avoiding abusive leadership can help you to be a healthy leader.
A Learning Design for Casting a Compelling Vision for the Future
If you find yourself having difficulty casting a compelling vision, this growth plan will help.
A Learning Design for Inspiring Others to Grow
Healthy leaders must inspire others to grow!
A Learning Design for Critical Thinking
Our holistic growth plan for improving your critical thinking can help you to be a healthy leader.
A Learning Design for Learning from Mistakes
If you find yourself having difficulty learning from your mistakes, this growth plan will help.
A Learning Design for Building Leaders
Healthy leaders must build leaders!
A Learning Design for Decisiveness
Do you struggle with decisiveness?
A Learning Design for Communicating Effectively
Do you have issues with communicating effectively? This holistic growth plan can help!
A Learning Design for Listening Well
Our holistic growth plan for listening well can help you to be a healthy leader.
A Learning Design for Building Relational Networks
If you find yourself having difficulty building relational networks, this growth plan will help.
A Learning Design for Interpreting Scripture
Healthy leaders must interpret Scripture well!
A Learning Design for Leading Meetings
Do you struggle to lead meetings effectively?
A Learning Design for Forgiving Those Who Wrong You
Do you struggle to forgive?
A Learning Design for Involving Others in Decisions
If you find yourself having difficulty involving others in decisions, this growth plan will help.
A Learning Design for Possessing Spiritual Authority
Our holistic growth plan on spiritual authority can help you to be a healthy leader.
A Learning Design for Trusting Jesus for Eternal Life
Healthy leaders must trust Jesus for eternal life!
A Learning Design for Being Secure in Christ's Love
Do you struggle to be secure in Christ?
A Learning Design for Enjoying Fellowship with Jesus
Do you have difficulty seeking and enjoying Jesus regularly? This holistic growth plan can help!
A Learning Design for Surrendering to Jesus
Our holistic growth plan for putting Jesus' Kingdom first can help you to be a healthy leader.
A Learning Design for Turning to Jesus in Suffering
If you find yourself having difficulty turning to God when you are suffering, this growth plan will help.
A Learning Design for a Healthy Fear of God
Healthy leaders must fear God!
A Learning Design for Avoiding Idols and the Occult
Do you struggle with idolatry or the occult?
A Learning Design for Meditating on God's Word
Do you have issues with consistently spending time in God's Word? This holistic growth plan can help!
A Learning Design for Submitting to God's Word
Our holistic growth plan for submitting to God's Word can help you to be a healthy leader.
A Learning Design for Striving for God's Highest
If you find yourself having difficulty striving for God's highest, this growth plan will help.
A Learning Design for Experiencing the Power of Scripture
Healthy leaders must seek to be transformed by the Scripture, not just know it!
A Learning Design for Accepting Healthy Correction
Do you have issues accepting correction? This holistic growth plan can help!
A Learning Design for Being Kind to Others
Do you have issues with being kind? This holistic growth plan can help!
A Learning Design for Encouraging Others
Our holistic growth plan can help you to grow in encouraging others.
A Learning Design for Praying for Others
If you have difficulty praying, this growth plan will help.
A Learning Design for Working Well with Different People
Healthy leaders must work well with all sorts of people!
A Learning Design for Generosity
Do you struggle to be generous?
A Learning Design for Avoiding Gossip
Do you have issues with gossiping? This holistic growth plan can help!
A Learning Design for Participating in the Life of the Church
This holistic growth plan for participating in the life of the local church can help you to be a healthy leader.
A Learning Design for Leading Your Family Well
If you have difficulty leading your own family, this growth plan will help.
A Learning Design for Caring for Your Followers
Healthy leaders must care for their followers!
A Learning Design for Being a Healthy Follower
Do you struggle as a leader to follow others yourself?
A Learning Design for Joyfulness
Do you struggle with joylessness? This holistic growth plan can help!
A Learning Design for Trustworthiness
Our holistic growth plan for growing in trustworthiness can help you to be a healthy leader.
A Learning Design for Humility
If you have difficulty with pride, this growth plan will help.