Pastor J ‒ Finding the Missing Piece
Pastors in Cameroon are discovering what they've been missing.

Pastor J is a pastor with the Cameroon Baptist Convention (CBC). He has served in the congregation for over eight years now and has a passion to see a new breed of leaders built in his church in particular and the CBC at large. He also serves as the chairperson of a regional gathering of CBC pastors with the goal to edify and encourage each other in the ministry.
He was first exposed to the ConneXions Model during a vision-casting effort undertaken during one of their gatherings. He took immediate interest and began arrangements for us to work with leaders in his church. During the training that was held in his church, he set a very good pace by sitting through all the sessions himself, taking notes and asking relevant questions.
At the end of the training, his joy could not be masked as he shared with us the impact that it had on his personal life as well as his hopes for the health of his church and, by extension, his pastor's fellowship.
“I know that I will be inviting you guys back here in the not-too-distant future. We are getting ready to select leaders for the church and this training has been excellent in painting the portrait of the kind of leader we should be looking for. I don't know if I can find the appropriate words to say this but in my many years as a pastor, I feel like I have been looking for something that consistently eluded me. I found it this week.
Thank you for devoting this time to help us grow in our personal lives as leaders. I will be inviting you guys to the next gathering of pastors in the field so that you can give others the tip of the iceberg. I want to see this permeate the DNA of our organization. Thank you and please keep the door open to us.”
Of all the churches we have had opportunity to hold training sessions in, this is one of the few where we have not sensed any underlying unhealthy dynamics throughout the training. The Lord is at work here and we are honored to be a part of what He is already doing.