Experiencing Life in Christ Anew
“Living out doctrine and truth in community.”

“I learned the most from the teachings on Transformational Theology. I have been a believer since I was very young, mostly living in legalism. Many times, the only reason for me to do ministry was to win the approval of men instead of to please God. I felt so much pressure that my spiritual life was burned out. I was disappointed with the church and with my family, and I lost any direction and purpose in my life.
In learning about Transformational Theology, I discovered that doing ministry should not be my goal. I realized that my final goal is to love God and love people through knowing God. The essence of faith is not about theology but about knowing God and being transformed.
In the past, I was not willing to think for myself, and I was afraid of challenging myself. But in the ConneXions program each of us was given various leading responsibilities. Through these, I myself improved, step by step. Even though I made mistakes, the teacher constantly encouraged me so that I felt secure and was able to try again and again. The program has such a healthy culture, allowing people to make mistakes and building a secure context.
Now I understand that the purpose of learning theology is to live out doctrine and truth in community. I have learned to lay down my preferences and make sacrifices for the sake of others. Even though it was not easy to do, I was able to connect theology with my life, and experience Jesus’ life in me anew.” (Sister M)