Our Deep Connection with the Generations
God’s Vision for the Generations Series, Part 2
Malcolm Webber

Jesus did not see His own life and ministry in a vacuum. He understood where His own ministry fit within the context of the previous leaders God had sent, and He recognized and honored those who had gone before Him. Jesus respected the past, honored the past and built on the past. And then, in everything He did, He prepared for the future. Next generation: honor the past. Honor your spiritual mothers and fathers. Build on what they have done. Don't disregard it. If you honor the past, you unlock the future!
All Episodes In This Series:
How God Views the Generations
God’s Vision for the Generations Series, Part 1
Our Deep Connection with the Generations
God’s Vision for the Generations Series, Part 2
Three Generations Working Together
God's Vision for the Generations Series, Part 3