Our Leaders Need Our Care
Leader Care Series, Part 1
Malcolm Webber

Our leaders need our care! This includes our leaders in every area of life and relationships: leaders in the family, in the marriage, at the workplace, and every leader in the church. This is a new idea for many, perhaps most, of us. We are used to thinking of ourselves as the ones who need the care and our leaders as the ones who need to think of us, care for us, protect us and provide for us. Of course, that is appropriate, but, biblically, we also need to be caring for them. They are not perfect, they are not “Super People.” They actually need our care. So, let’s see what the Bible has to say about this very important truth.
All Episodes In This Series:
Our Leaders Need Our Care
Leader Care Series, Part 1
How to Care for Our Leaders
Leader Care Series, Part 2