I Can See the Deep Impact on My Life
Churches are being transformed in India!

Recent trainings in India on Building Healthy Churches have had deep impact on the leaders involved! The following are testimonies from these trainings.
“I have attended the Building Healthy Churches program for two days, and from the beginning, this workshop was like an answer to my years of prayer. First thing I learned was that Jesus will build His Church, in His own time and on His own terms. That relieved me from all of my worries and concerns. I was very unhappy with my church ministry, but this program was like divine encouragement to me to continue my ministry with His strength. Thank you for arranging this wonderful training program.” (Pastor R)
“The Building Healthy Churches model has come as a confirmation of what we have been hearing from the Lord for our organization. As senior leader, I want to ensure that our organization remains focused on the vision of Healthy Churches and passes it on to others. I would like to include the model in our one-month residential leader development training program starting immediately.” (Pastor C)
“As I’m growing through these regular classes, I can see the deep impact on my life, leadership, and ministry. I’m able to see and understand the mistakes I’ve made. My way of thinking and my priorities have been transformed. I’m so privileged to be part of this cohort and now I’m more confident of my leadership and the future God has for me.” (Pastor P)