You Are God's Answer to My Prayers
A young leader of an organization in Cameroon finds hope in Christ.

Sister A is a student at university in Cameroon. She is also the founder of Body Image, an organization which helps women grow comfortable in their own skin and engage in candid conversation about the things that bother them about their physical appearance.
Sister A came to one of our ConneXions seminars with many struggles as a leader. She had difficulty with delegation of tasks, as well as involving others in decision-making when it came to ministry-related matters. Most of the time, she felt as if she were too impatient with slow performers when it came to carrying out designated tasks – to the extent that she always ended up doing things by herself.
Not only did the Building Healthy Leaders training reveal these struggles, but it provided her with practical ideas about how to address them.
“You are God's answer to my prayers. Since I started my own organization, I have struggled with many aspects of leadership. The 5C assessment helped me to identify specific areas for growth, and the privilege of having you walk me through design now is one I don't deserve. Thank you so much!”
Shortly after the seminar, Sister A signed up for coaching with the LeaderSource team in Cameroon. The first design she worked on aimed at improving her capacity to include others in decision-making in her ministry. Halfway through the implementation of that design, her evaluation proved that the deeper issue behind her struggles with decision-making was a lack of trust. She switched gears and designed a personal growth plan around trusting others, and has since applied that design in her communication and character development while teaching it to some of her leadership team members.
In the few short months that she has been intentional about growing in these areas, she has noticed a greater degree of cohesion and mutual encouragement among her leadership team. As she continues to build trust within that leadership circle, she has also noticed an increased openness in those they serve to receive what the leaders have to say. She anticipates that there will be even more impact once they all have an opportunity to go through a training together.