Women and Leadership
Find out what the Bible says about the role of women in Christian ministry and leadership.
Malcolm Webber

The role of women in ministry and leadership in the church is a very controversial issue about which much has been written. We can identify two major extremes of teaching and practice:
In some circles women are not allowed to occupy any position of leadership or fulfill any formal ministry in the church – except for those involving children or other women. This position holds that women are simply never called by God to leadership; leadership is exclusively a male domain.
In other circles, women are constantly found in the very highest positions of authority. This teaching maintains that one should find as many women as men in leadership roles including the very top positions – leadership is a 50/50 proposition when it comes to gender.
Of course, between these two extremes are many shades and nuances. Furthermore, emotions run high on this matter – on both sides. It is an extremely important issue that directly affects everyone in the church.
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This entire study is available as a book here.