Tool: A REAL Framework for One-on-One and Small Group Meetings
Make your small group meetings truly transformational!
Malcolm Webber

This framework is simple, customizable and strongly 4D. Focusing on immediate action, it will work with whatever content you have for whatever purpose you have. It is effective for either small groups or one-on-one discipling or mentoring
The following four elements can be used in any order. They should weave through whatever needs to be done in response to what God is doing in everyone’s lives.
- R – Recall together anything significant that has happened in the last few days/week/month, etc. ‒ life events, struggles, victories. Share your testimony of what God has done through what you learned last time. What are you joyful about? What are you stressed about? Celebrate any victories. Repent if necessary. Identify specific learning or growth. This element applies the relational dynamic.
- E ‒ Explore new truth. Let the Scripture speak. Learn. This element uses the instructional dynamic.
- A ‒ Ask God to show you what to do in response to the new learning. Pray. Reflect. Adjust. Align. Submit to God. Face reality. This element incorporates the spiritual dynamic.
- L ‒ Live out what God is speaking to you. Obey. Make specific commitments for the coming days for which you will be accountable at the next meeting. What will you now do? How will you live out what God has shown you? With whom will you share it? In the next meeting you will share about what God has done through your actions. This element uses the experiential dynamic.