The Work of the Holy Spirit Today ‒ Part 1
Are the supernatural gifts and ministries of the Holy Spirit for today, or were they only for early church times?
Malcolm Webber

In many churches today, the work of the Holy Spirit is given some measure of lip service; people talk about Him, but don't expect Him to actually do anything. This is very different from the New Testament where the Holy Spirit is genuinely present and active. How foolish we are when we neglect Him and trust in ourselves!
All Episodes In This Series:
The Work of the Holy Spirit Today ‒ Part 1
Are the supernatural gifts and ministries of the Holy Spirit for today, or were they only for early church times?
The Work of the Holy Spirit Today ‒ Part 2
Are they for today? Find out in this insightful teaching.
The Work of the Holy Spirit Today ‒ Part 3
By His Spirit, God invites you into the eternal fellowship of the Godhead.
The Work of the Holy Spirit Today ‒ Part 4
How do we proceed on the path of growth in the Holy Spirit?