Give a Cup of Water
Recently I have been talking with them about the challenges they face when sharing the love of Christ and the Gospel. How can we share the Good News if we have memories of failures? What if we are shy and hesitant to speak up, or to speak boldly?
Jim Brenneman

At the present time in East Asia, Christianity is facing some increased repression. Although I have made several trips to minister in this country, lately I have been restrained from going, so I am ministering to dozens of young leaders through secure chat applications.
I am much older than most of the believers with whom I am connected, so they call me YeYe (Grandpa). Recently I have been talking with them about the challenges they face when sharing the love of Christ and the Gospel. How can we share the Good News if we have memories of failures? What if we are shy and hesitant to speak up, or to speak boldly?
Here is a record of a chat with one of those very sincere young believers, whom I will call “Merry.”
Merry said: I’m actually a shy person. Before I went to college, I was a person who didn’t speak for herself, and now I’m much better.
Because sometimes I don’t know how to change the things that make me unhappy, or there’s no way to change now, but only in the future. I tried to forget about it, but I didn’t like it at all.
I think my innermost feelings are more positive now. The things that make me unhappy are fewer and smaller. My job is to be in kindergarten as long as I am in contact with my children. The babies like me.
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Grandpa said: Our Messiah wants us to be astonishingly/surprisingly different. Those who are weak, those who are poor in any way ‒ whether in the mind or the body ‒ we will not ignore and refuse. We can show love to children that have needs.
The Messiah lives in us. And He gives us His Heart. He gives us His heart of love. Now look out! Be alert! Pay attention! Keep your eyes open.
Our Dear Papa will bring someone just like that – those who are poor and needy – into your path before long. It always happens this way. You will have an opportunity to show love!
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Merry said: Love is great – I open my eyes – I will keep my eyes wide open!
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Grandpa said: I have suggested that each day it would be an adventure to take one extra bottle of water with you in your bag . . . Then as you ride the bus, or walk, let Dear Papa show you the person that you should bless ‒ to whom should you give that water today?
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Merry said: Yes, I want to do something for Him. I can try – It’s kind of fun.
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Grandpa said: You can imagine that you are on a special mission from the King. He has given you a bottle of water, and He tells you to find the person to give it to.
I think it would be astonishing and cool! What if you did that every day for one week? See what kind of story you have for each day! What a cool adventure.
What if you had three friends join you in this adventure?
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Merry said: I’d be happy to have someone do the same thing as me. I think we can call it “Surprise.” This adventure will surprise and delight me.
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Grandpa said: What if you had just three friends join you in doing it this week? And also pray for each other every day as you go on this secret mission.
It is not just a “cool idea” from our own minds. It is the heart of the Savior!
Jesus said: And whoever shall give to one of these little ones a cup of cold water to drink, only in the name of a disciple, truly I say to you, He shall in no way lose his reward (Matt. 10:42).
Study these three passages about sharing the love of God: Luke 14:12-24; Matthew 13:47-50; Matthew 25:34-46.
So now, what are the lessons that will be learned from this adventure? How does giving a bottle of water accomplish the will of God, in and of itself?
What other pragmatic actions can we take to share the love of Christ?
What sort of discretion should be applied to disguising our net? How do we decide when to reveal the divine motivation behind our love and kindness?
What does this reveal about who should be invited?
How can this adventure help your personal relationship with Jesus Christ?