Tool: 5CC Questionnaire
A printable version of our 360° holistic evaluation tool, based on the ConneXions Model of healthy Christian leadership.
Malcolm Webber

The basis of the 5C Checkpoint is the ConneXions Model, a comprehensive framework for healthy leader development. This framework describes how healthy Christian leadership and how to build fruitful, effective leaders in a rich, holistic context.
Developed over two decades by Malcolm Webber, Ph.D., ConneXions has been implemented successfully as a leader development paradigm in churches, church movements, and church-planting ministries across the globe. Each indicator of leader health has been certified psychometrically sound.
The 5C Checkpoint provides a holistic and wide-ranging evaluation of every aspect of a leader’s life and ministry. We use 57 scripture-based and tested indicators to evaluate your spiritual life, relationships, character, vision, and competencies.
Based on this evaluation, the 5C Checkpoint identifies your strengths and growth areas, then provide comprehensive, customizable growth plans (available in the Design portion of our website resources) for each indicator of health. These growth plans have been created and reviewed by an international team of leaders.
5C Checkpoint is designed to be used multiple times, as a continual evaluation of your growth as a leader or disciple over time!
Get started now with our online version to receive the full 360° experience, complete with evaluations from trusted friends and family to help you identify your strengths and growth areas more accurately, and personalized growth plans.
Or get started by downloading this printable version!