10 Ways to Destroy the Culture of Your Ministry
In a time of so much uncertainty it’s comforting to know there are some rock-solid, absolutely guaranteed, methods to destroy the culture of whatever it is you’re leading. Here they are. Try them out!
Malcolm Webber

1. Be so busy with your great vision and your amazing ministry work for God that you have no time for God Himself. You’re changing the world, right? That’s a lot of work. You simply don’t have time to waste.
2. Demand so much ministry production from your team and co-workers that they have no time for God.
3. Focus everyone’s attention on the rules, systems and policies.
4. Be sure to continually point out the flaws of whomever it is that has the joy of being your leader. Don’t only focus on the major things; you’ll be amazed at the power of criticizing very small things. In fact, the smaller the better.
5. On the subject of pointing out people’s flaws, diligently remember to also do it behind their backs to others. It’s a “one-two punch” that’s hard to beat!
6. Be the expert on every subject, whether or not you actually know anything about it. You’re the leader – that means you always know everything, right?
7. Closely related to number six is the principle of never showing any weakness or lack. That would only emphasize your need for others’ help which is hardly appropriate for a leader!
8. Rely more on positive human examples than on those namby-pamby people who apparently enjoy suffering.
9. Don’t give power away; only give responsibilities (without power) away. Keep the power centralized in yourself. You’re the leader – remember that! And leadership, if it’s about anything, is about power.
10. Please read number one again. Yep. Seriously. If there’s only one method from this great list that you remember and act on, let it be this one. It will work! And, here’s the really cool part: all the others will flow naturally from it. You won’t even need to remember to do them! This is the power of, as they say, keeping first things first.