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BHL® Building Healthy Leaders

While there are over five million church leaders in the world today, it is estimated that only 5% of them have been trained. And for those few who have received training, many times their training may have prepared them only to preach; it did not build their spiritual life or character nor did it equip them to actually lead God’s people.
Far too many Christian leaders are failing because of spiritual weakness, character issues or relational conflict. In fact, it has been estimated that as many as 70% of Christian leaders do not finish well ‒ some downfalls are shameful and public, while many leaders simply “fade away.” This crisis of leadership is particularly harmful in regions where Christianity is expanding most rapidly.
Our traditional methods of leader development simply have not delivered either the quantity or quality of leaders that today’s churches need. It seems we need a new way to build leaders. In reality, we need to return to the biblical patterns.
Our goals and hopes for participants at the end of this course are that you:
- Are deeply committed to the centrality of Christ in leadership and leader development.
- Have a clear and biblically-sound understanding of what a healthy leader is and how that leader is formed.
- Have a clear and passionate vision for building healthy leaders.
- Make immediate practical applications for your own personal growth as well as the growth of others.
- Have been refreshed, encouraged, inspired, empowered and motivated in your life, leadership and leader development work.
To get more information or to schedule a BHL® training, please fill out the form below