Timothy Audu Dabai
Team Member, Nigeria

Timothy is a passionate teacher and missionary hailing from Kebbi State, Nigeria. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry, and multiple certifications in entrepreneurship, innovation, and leadership. He has served in leadership capacities as a student, pastor, missionary and field worker.
In April 1999, he joined our team at LeaderSource as a teaching staff. He is most passionate about knowing Christ and making Him known with a deep desire to see the younger generation attain their fullness in Christ, that they might edify the body of Christ. Tim and his wife Rebecca live in Kaduna, Nigeria with their two children.
During Tim's time at LeaderSource, he has noticed the following paradigm shifts in his life:
I have lived my life and done ministry without the intentionality of raising up others with deep, true and evident life transformation. Depending on my own experiences and expertise in doing ministry and concentrating on the content (Instructional dynamic) while neglecting the power of context (Spiritual, Relational and Experiential dynamics) has led to heavy doses of frustration for me. As a result, my paradigm for ministry has shifted to include the following:
- Effective ministry begins with union and unbroken dependency on Christ at all times – in every circumstance of my living and leading.
- Ministry is simply intimacy with Christ: living and leading from that inward life of Christ.
- The biblical approach to Leader Development is Christ-centered, practical in real life circumstances, holistic in nature and deeply intentional, resulting in true life transformation.
- Life transformation is achievable. Jesus built the lives of His disciples, and so it is possible for me to build others through the Four Dynamics (4Ds).
- The only way to reach the entire world for Christ is to begin with a life that is built in the 5Cs through the 4Ds and with great vision to build others in the same manner.
- Every encounter and experience is an opportunity for me to grow.
- There are endless opportunities for growth through the 4Ds.