Developing Strategies for Transformational Teaching
“This workshop ignites my spirit!”

Lives Touched in Nigeria
“I will no longer do things the same way.”

Raising a Generation of Healthy Leaders
“I’m rejoicing to see spiritual growth in my congregation day-by-day.”

Leading by Example
“I can't be lazy anymore with my own growth design…”

A Unified Church in East Asia
“The message is exactly what we needed to hear!”

Mobilizing Students in Nigeria
A young leader in Nigeria whole-heartedly embraces healthy leadership.

Spreading the Gospel in the Persian-Speaking World
“I want to receive the love that they have for the Lord.”

Pastor J ‒ Finding the Missing Piece
Pastors in Cameroon are discovering what they've been missing.

Breathing New Life into Intercessors in Nigeria
“Please, help us to build this house again.”

Powerful Evangelists Being Built in Christ
Receiving Christ and experiencing miracles in the Persian-speaking world.

John's Story ‒ Real-Life Transformation in a Church Network
An East Asian leader shares his new life with over 200 leaders in his network.

Church Unity in Nigeria
“The seed we are sowing is taking root…”

The Firstfruits of Many ‒ Building the New Generation in India
Healthy leadership is deeply impacting community in India.

Depending on Jesus for Every Step in Cameroon
Youth in Cameroon are taking dependency on Jesus to the next level.

Our East Asian Prototype Program ‒ One Year Later
We are nurturing and deepening intimacy with God in the nations.

Birthing a Movement of Healthy Churches in the Desert
Building churches in the harshest of conditions.

Engaging in Ministry Like Never Before
Igniting passion in Liberia!

Children's Ministry in India ‒ Standing and Overcoming by the Word
Pastor A can testify to the truth of Isaiah 11:6, which says that “little children shall lead.”

Growing Crowds and Growing People in Nigeria
Trainings in Nigeria draw ever-increasing crowds.

Carrying the Burden with Next-Generation Leaders
“This is the answer to my life and ministry.”